Heart - a love mongers christmas album cover - picture uploaded by shiftingjoe to people

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Heart - a love mongers christmas album cover
 Heart Presents A Lovemongers' Christmas, released in 2001, is Heart's eighteenth album, but their first Holiday album. The album was originally released back in 1998, with the title, Here Is Christmas, where it served as an album for The Lovemongers, which is a sideband that is also led by Ann Wilson & Nancy Wilson. In 2001, Ann & Nancy had decided to re-release the album (with no changes to the lyrics or music) as a Heart album, where it now serves as an album for both The Lovemongers (as Here Is Christmas) & Heart (as Heart Presents A Lovemongers' Christmas).

Track listing:

1. "Here Is Christmas"
2. "Balulalow"
3. "Christmas Waits"
4. "William And Rose"
5. "Ave Maria"
6. "How Beautiful"
7. "The Last Noel" (performed by Frank Cox of The Lovemongers)
8. "It's Christmas Time"
9. "Oh Holy Night"
10. "Bring A Torch"
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Heart (band)
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