The Fixx - 1011 Woodland album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people -> redeyepics -> The Fixx - 1011 Woodland album cover

The Fixx - 1011 Woodland album cover
 1011 Woodland is the ninth album by British new wave band The Fixx, released in 1999.

Track listing:

1. "Driven Out" (Dan K. Brown, Cy Curnin, Rupert Greenall, Jamie West-Oram, Adam Woods) – 6:14
2. "Stand or Fall" (Carlton Barrett, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram) – 5:29
3. "Woman on a Train" (Brown, Curnin, Greenall, Jeannette Obstoj, West-Oram, Woods) – 6:35
4. "Outside" (Alfie Agius, Curnin, Greenal, West-Oram, Woods) – 8:33
5. "Secret Separation" (Brown, Curnin, Greenall, Obstoj, West-Oram, Wood) – 5:38
6. "Cameras in Paris" (Barrett, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram) – 5:11
7. "Wish" (Brown, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram, Woods) – 5:58
8. "One Jungle" (The Fixx) – 3:32
9. "I Will" (Brown, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram, Woods) – 4:36
10. "Saved by Zero" (Agius, Curnin, Greenal, West-Oram, Woods) – 5:53
11. "Lost Planes" (Barrett, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram) – 3:25
12. "Precious Stone" (The Fixx, Woods) – 4:36
13. "Still Around" (The Fixx) – 4:55
14. "Two Different Views" (Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram, Woods) – 3:35
15. "Red Skies" (Barrett, Curnin, Greenall, West-Oram, Woods) – 4:42
16. "One Thing Leads to Another" (Agius, Curnin, Greenal, West-Oram, Woods) – 3:23
17. "Deeper and Deeper" (Curnin, West-Oram) – 4:33
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The Fixx
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