Nanci Griffith - There s a Light Beyond These Woods album cover - picture uploaded by ohjoy to people -> ohjoy -> Nanci Griffith - There s a Light Beyond These Woods album cover

Nanci Griffith - There s a Light Beyond These Woods album cover
 There's a Light Beyond These Woods is singer-songwriter Nanci Griffith's debut album. It was recorded in December of 1977 and January of 1978 in Austin, Texas. Griffith wrote most of its songs herself, as she would on almost all of her subsequent albums.

Track listing:

1. "I Remember Joe" (Nanci Griffith) - 4:23
2. "Alabama Soft Spoken Blues" (Nanci Griffith/Maggie Graham) - 3:47
3. "Michael's Song" (Nanci Griffith) - 4:01
4. "Song for Remembered Heroes" (Nanci Griffith) - 3:23
5. "West Texas Sun" (Nanci Griffith) - 3:43
6. "There's a Light Beyond These Woods (Mary Margaret)" (Nanci Griffith) - 4:35
7. "Dollar Matinee" (Eric Taylor) - 4:51
8. "Montana Backroads" (Bruce Carlson) - 4:59
9. "John Philip Griffith" (Nanci Griffith) - 4:06
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This picture is part of the albums:
Nanci Griffith
Nanci Griffith - The MCA years aret rospective album coverNanci Griffith - From a distance album coverNanci Griffith - Flyer album coverNanci Griffith - There s a Light Beyond These Woods album coverNanci Griffith - Poet in My Window album cover
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