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Motorhead - Rock n Roll album cover
 The album Rock 'N' Roll is the first appearance of the four-piece Motörhead line up of Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor, Würzel and Philip Campbell, which lasted from 1987 until 1992. Reaching only 34 in the UK charts, it was, in that respect, the worst performing of all of Motörhead's Top 40 chart hits.

The song "Eat The Rich" was written for Peter Richardson's 1987 film Eat the Rich which starred the regular cast of The Comic Strip and Lemmy himself in a bit part as "Spider." A mock sermon by Michael Palin appears at the end of the song "Stone Deaf In The USA", which closed side one of the vinyl and cassette release.

Track listing:

All tracks composed by Würzel, Phil Campbell, Phil Taylor and Lemmy except where noted.

1. "Rock 'n' Roll" – 3:49
2. "Eat the Rich" – 4:34
3. "Blackheart" – 4:03
4. "Stone Deaf in the U.S.A." – 3:40
5. "The Wolf" – 3:28
6. "Traitor" – 3:17
7. "Dogs" – 3:48
8. "All for You" – 4:10
9. "Boogeyman" – 3:07

The CD re-issues have added tracks (originally "Eat The Rich" 12" vinyl single B-sides);

10. "Cradle to the Grave" – 4:05
11. "Just 'Cos You Got the Power" – 7:30

Except on the 2000 Castle Communication release which has, in addition to the above;

12. "Untitled"

Bonus CD

In 2006, the album was re-issued with a bonus CD, containing Motörhead's performance at the Monsters of Rock festival, recorded on August 16, 1986:

1. "Iron Fist" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
2. "Stay Clean" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
3. "Nothing Up My Sleeve" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
4. "Metropolis" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
5. "Doctor Rock" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
6. "Killed by Death" (Phil Campbell, Würzel, Lemmy, Pete Gill)
7. "Ace of Spades" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
8. "Steal Your Face" (Phil Campbell, Würzel, Lemmy, Pete Gill)
9. "Bite the Bullet" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
10. "Built for Speed" (Phil Campbell, Würzel, Lemmy, Pete Gill)
11. "Orgasmatron" (Phil Campbell, Würzel, Lemmy, Pete Gill)
12. "No Class" (Eddie Clarke, Lemmy, Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor)
13. "Motorhead" (Lemmy)
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This picture is part of the albums:
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