Apocalyptica - Apocalyptica album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people

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Apocalyptica - Apocalyptica album cover
 Apocalyptica is the fifth studio album from cello rock/heavy metal group Apocalyptica, it was released in 2005.

Track listing

1. "Life Burns!" (sung by Lauri Ylönen) – 3:06
2. "Quutamo" – 3:28
3. "Distraction" – 3:56
4. "Bittersweet" (sung by Lauri Ylönen and Ville Valo) – 3:23
5. "Misconstruction" – 3:56
6. "Fisheye" – 4:09
7. "Farewell" – 5:33
8. "Fatal Error" – 2:59
9. "Betrayal/Forgiveness" – 5:13
10. "Ruska" – 4:39
11. "Deathzone" – 10:15
12. "En Vie" (sung by Manu) – 3:28

Special edition tracks

1. "How Far" - 3:28
2. "Wie Weit" - 3:28
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Apocalyptica - Reflections revised album coverApocalyptica - Plays metallica by four cellos album coverApocalyptica - Apocalyptica album coverApocalyptica - Amplified album CoverApocalyptica - The Best of Apocalyptica album cover
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