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Blue October - The Answers album cover
 The Answers is the debut album by Blue October. It was recorded in December 1997 at Sound Arts Studio in Houston, Texas and released in the United States in 1998 by RoDan Entertainment/Scoop. It is Blue October's only album featuring founding member and bassist Liz Mullally, who also played piano on the album.

For several years the band was not allowed to sell the album on their website or at their concerts because of their contract with Universal Records. The album was only available via mail order directly from RoDan until an agreement was reached in 2005.

Track listing

1. "The Answer"
2. "2 A.M. Lovesick"
3. "The 21st"
4. "Breakfast After 10"
5. "Italian Radio"
6. "For My Brother"
7. "Sweet and Somber Pigeon Wings"
8. "Weakness"
9. "Blue Sunshine"
10. "Mr. Blue's Menu"
11. "Darkest Side of Houston's Finest Day"
12. "Tomorrow"
13. "Black Orchid"
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Blue October - The Answers album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Blue October
Blue October - Consent to Treatment album coverBlue October - Argue with a Tree album coverBlue October - The Answers album coverBlue October : Blue-October-umvd06Blue October : Blue-October-umvd05
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