pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with student Mohamad Ramadan - picture uploaded by singlebraincelled to people

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pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with student Mohamad Ramadan
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pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with student Mohamad Ramadan
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Wael Kfoury
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with jordanian student Mohamad Ramadanpictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with jordanian student Mohammad Ramadanpictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with student Mohamad Ramadanpictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage 3pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage 2
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Mohammad Ramadan
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with jordanian student Mohamad Ramadanpictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with Nassif Zeitoun on stage with runner up Mohamad Ramadan and Rahma Sibahipictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage with student Mohamad Ramadanpictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with Nassif Zeitoun on stage with Mohamad RamadanRahma Sibahi together with Mohamad Ramadan on stage as they wait for the voting resulta on June 4th 2010
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