evanescence - picture uploaded by singlebraincelled to avatars

pxdrive.com -> singlebraincelled -> evanescence

Voted 4.34/5 with 161 Votes
4/5 (161 Votes)
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*arif2008-02-26 12:41:58 - 39116
*Brisilda Taco ( Albania )2007-07-26 10:02:45 - 29999
The most wonderfull voice
she is so perfect i wish her all the best, her voice is wonderfull, the most beatifull girl, GOD BLESS YOU Amy Lee
*Brisilda Taco2007-07-04 19:41:18 - 28594
The most wonderfull singer
I listen every day her song EVERY DAY she is so perfect i wish her all the best GOD BLESS YOU Amy Lee
*leslie2007-05-13 01:09:29 - 25544
u totally rule!!!!!!!!!!!
*Maybe2007-04-25 20:04:03 - 23912
heck ya!
This pic is awesome...if you havent noticed.
*jennifer montanez2007-04-12 16:55:13 - 22446
if anyone is writhing a comment to amy lee and u want amy lee to tlk to u give her your yahoo messanger mine is : xlovemeornotx she if she will add you
*elahe2007-04-06 22:07:43 - 21656
your so beauty i wish one day i see you from near and kiss u
*gone player!!!!2007-03-04 22:04:03 - 18038
*Dakota2007-02-25 20:00:40 - 17332
Very Pretty
I love her hair and it's very dark looking. I absolutely love it.
*daniela2007-02-02 15:30:27 - 14249
i like her songs
she is so cool to me shes like a sister to me alot and a whole bunch.2007 1/2/07
*ZnzOun2007-01-31 22:12:58 - 13985
this pic is great
i love amylee and i love her voice and all of her songs they just got the best songs ever !!
*kris2007-01-30 19:21:52 - 13809
not bad
she looks hott in that pic. ;)
*pedro2007-01-23 22:26:56 - 13311
good music
hello , is one good music the cantion bring me to life
*Devin Copeland2006-12-18 16:52:38 - 10513
she is so sexy
i think evanesecence is so sexy and me and my baby girl would have to be her biggest fans
*Lio2006-12-03 16:23:11 - 9593
Έχεις κάτι μοδικό, Είσαι υπέροχη και κοίτα να παραμείνεις έτσι!Καλή τύχη σε ότι και αν κάνεις.
*Beast2006-11-24 19:04:25 - 9038
Evanescence 4 LiFe !!!!
*menna2006-11-01 11:07:26 - 7967
soo nice pic amylee ma bst singer in ma life
**RoXy * MaRiE*2006-10-20 14:12:49 - 7566
Evavesence's music really has a stronghold on me. She has such a melancholy voice that is so beautiful and she is REALLY pretty. I wish her the best of luck in her music career. I can relate to her music completely. Especially in the song Taking Over Me or Hello. I love those songs.
*Lorraine Obed2006-10-09 00:54:57 - 7074
good job ! i forgot your name now
*gErArD bAbY2006-10-04 16:27:09 - 6862
the band is my all time favorite!!!!!!!!!! THEY ROCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Hello2006-10-03 07:05:25 - 6810
OMG she is like so pretty
*kiemo2006-09-07 21:42:59 - 6033
Ilike she
i LIKE she
*jenni2006-04-28 17:21:53 - 3365
i love her
i agree evanescence is the best and the song whisper and imaginary are the best
i love yoy evanescence
*Vladimir Martinez R.2006-04-02 23:17:52 - 2665
su aire de abstraccionismo echiza
su bello y enigmatico rostro inocula de un entorno exotico lleno de un semblante enigmático.
*vidalia lopez2005-11-06 05:23:17 - 68
se ve matadora
me encanta se vve super gotico aunque no sea de ese tipo de rock
*maris2005-10-31 12:02:05 - 28
i love her voice AND i adore the TYPE OF mu5ic she performes AND i will never forget her voice IN hello OR takng over me :) she IS gr8 AND i wish her ALL the luck.


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