Animals Dogs : blue heeler kelpie CROSS - picture uploaded by sweet51 to Animals AND pets -> sweet51 -> Animals Dogs : blue heeler kelpie CROSS

Animals Dogs : blue heeler kelpie CROSS
Voted 3.98/5 with 85 Votes
4/5 (85 Votes)
This picture is part of the albums:
Animals Dogs
Animals Dogs : Jack Russell X Shih TzuAnimals Dogs : Maltese X Shih Tzu puppyAnimals Dogs : Maltese   Cairn Terrier X SilkieAnimals Dogs : blue heeler kelpie CROSSAnimals Dogs : Two German Shepherd dogs
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*kis flach2010-04-20 02:25:17 - 50939
kelpie/blue heeler puppie
i recently rescued a kelpi/blue heeler cross from a local shelter-best cow dog ever, next to my heeler/border colllie cross! very affectionate,good w/horses,good travel companion, but serious w/cow work-the best of everything!
*Linsay2009-08-25 10:48:58 - 49595
blue heeler- kelpies
I have got a blue heeler kelpie he is my second one i got my first one twenty years ago they are very friendly great watch dogs and are great around the kids awsome dogs cute puppies
*Amber2008-03-08 03:58:13 - 39493
cute and nice pictures
i think it ios cute and adorible and asome!!!1
*Sarah2008-02-12 12:41:00 - 38623
Beautiful Dog
We have a puppy we rescued from the RSPCA the same as in the photo, " Bailey " is his name, just gorgeous, very loyal and friendly could not ask for a better dog.
*aisha2007-12-06 00:14:28 - 36138
omg that is soo cute
*Sean2007-10-27 14:15:07 - 34590
Heeler x Kelpie
Sweet--I've adopted a lost kelpie, and there's another at the county shelter where I volunteer--will probably get sick while there and get put down. Pls don't breed 'em when there's so many waiting for you at the shelters! Good luck!
*Kenny Hooley2007-01-30 05:27:41 - 13722
Kelpie mix
How do I get adog like this?
*niki rushing2006-12-09 23:28:56 - 9996
lovely pic
i love this pic. i have one as well and it is the sweetest little thing in the world. and yours is adorable!!!!
*Lynley Fricker2006-12-06 22:02:23 - 9798
blue heeler x kelpie
Thanks for the photo of this particular breed. Yes they look funny as puppies, but to everyone out there, they are extremely loyal family dogs, fantastic guards dogs and they grow into their ears. We have one her name is Jess she is 3 years old and was born on my birhtday. As the saying goes, 'don't knock it until you have tried it'
*sharn pentony2006-11-03 23:43:28 - 8080
i do not like this dog
i think that is the most ugly dog in the world because it dose not look like a dog it lokks like somthing else sorry to be so mean im telling the truth about the dog
*john2006-10-31 03:56:27 - 7943
that is nota dog


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