Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino - picture uploaded by shiftingjoe to people -> shiftingjoe -> Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino

Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino
 Fantasia Barrino
Voted 4.8/5 with 5 Votes
Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino
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Vote for this picture Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino
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This picture is part of the albums:
Fantasia Barrino
Music Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia BarrinoMusic Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia BarrinoMusic Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia BarrinoMusic Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia BarrinoMusic Fantasia Barrino pictures: Fantasia Barrino
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*shawntia2008-11-27 17:13:51 - 47413
most of ur pics were really good but a couple wit ur hair real short lyk in the 10th to last one was bad im not for sure if it waz the 10th one or not but da were really cool thanks for lettin me decide wat they were that was really cool of u to do dat


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