Savage Garden Truly madly completely album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Savage Garden Truly madly completely album cover

Savage Garden Truly madly completely album cover
 Truly Madly Completely: The Best of Savage Garden was released worldwide on November 1, 2005. It includes several digitally re-mastered “Savage Garden classics”, five B-sides and two new songs by Darren Hayes. There is a total of 17 songs on the album. There is also a limited edition CD/DVD released with an extra DVD with 7 music videos and the 'Parallel Lives' documentary.

Track listing:

1. "I Want You" – 3:53
2. "I Knew I Loved You" – 4:11
3. "To the Moon and Back" – 5:42
4. "Hold Me" – 4:52
5. "Santa Monica" – 3:36
6. "Crash and Burn" – 4:42
7. "Break Me Shake Me" – 3:25
8. "Truly Madly Deeply" – 4:39
9. "The Animal Song" – 4:39
10. "Affirmation" – 4:58
11. "So Beautiful" (by Darren Hayes) – 4:58
12. "California" (by Darren Hayes) – 6:00
13. "I Don’t Care" – 5:05
14. "I’ll Bet He was Cool" – 4:41
15. "Love Can Move You" – 4:47
16. "Fire Inside the Man" – 4:11
17. "This Side of Me" – 4:11
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This picture is part of the albums:
Savage Garden
Savage Garden Truly madly deeply album coverSavage Garden The Future Of Earthly Delites album coverSavage Garden Truly madly completely album coverSavage Garden Affirmation The B-Sides album coverSavage Garden I knew i loved you single cover
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