Tangerine Dream Force Majeure album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people

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Tangerine Dream Force Majeure album cover
 Force Majeure is a 1979 electronic music album released by the German group Tangerine Dream. Picking up where Stratosfear left off, the piece developed Tangerine Dream\'s further evolution toward the more melodic sound they would adopt in the 1980s. The stand-out track for example, \"Cloudburst Flight\", is more of the tradition of progressive rock than the band\'s usual 1970s output of Berlin School.
Track listing:
1. \"Force Majeure\" – 18:17
2. \"Cloudburst Flight\" – 7:27
3. \"Thru Metamorphic Rocks\" – 14:30
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This picture is part of the albums:
Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream Hyperborea album coverTangerine Dream Logos Live album coverTangerine Dream Force Majeure album coverTangerine Dream Tyranny of Beauty album coverTangerine Dream Encore album cover
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