Tangerine Dream Hyperborea album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people

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Tangerine Dream Hyperborea album cover
 Hyperborea is an album of electronic music released by Tangerine Dream in 1983. \"No Man\'s Land\" is unique in the Tangerine Dream canon, its tone colors and rhythms evoking the indigenous music of north Africa. The piece makes also heavy use of sitar. The title track is a grand and stately piece that resembles the title track of their album Exit. \"Cinnamon Road\" also utilizes sitar, but it is a brief ditty with a conventional pop music structure, much like \"Midnight in Tula\" on White Eagle. The longest track, \"Sphinx Lightning\"\' is an epic recapitulation of every style explored by Tangerine Dream over the previous decade.

Track listing:
1. \"No Man\'s Land\" – 9:03
2. \"Hyperborea\" – 8:31
3. \"Cinnamon Road\" – 3:54
4. \"Sphinx Lightning\" – 19:56
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Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream Phaedra album coverTangerine Dream Tyger Album CoverTangerine Dream Hyperborea album coverTangerine Dream Logos Live album coverTangerine Dream Force Majeure album cover
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