Phish Billy breathes album cover - picture uploaded by shiftingjoe to people -> shiftingjoe -> Phish Billy breathes album cover

Phish Billy breathes album cover
 Billy Breathes was the eighth studio album by rock band Phish. It remains today as the one of the most popular Phish albums, and this release, along with Farmhouse, is said to have connected the band, which at the time had a strong cult following, to a more mainstream audience. Rolling Stone Magazine said that "Billy Breathes confirms that Phish is not just a jam band from Burlington."

The album was certified Gold by RIAA January 8, 1999.

Track listing:

1. "Free"
2. "Character Zero"
3. "Waste"
4. "Taste"
5. "Cars Trucks Buses"
6. "Talk"
7. "Theme From The Bottom"
8. "Train Song"
9. "Bliss"
10. "Billy Breathes"
11. "Swept Away"
12. "Steep"
13. "Prince Caspian"
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Phish (band)
Phish : Phish-rr05Phish Farmhouse album coverPhish The story of ghost  album coverPhish Hoist album coverPhish Billy breathes album cover
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