Todd Rundgren - Faithful album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people -> redeyepics -> Todd Rundgren - Faithful album cover

Todd Rundgren - Faithful album cover
 Faithful is Todd Rundgren's seventh album, released in 1976. The first side of the LP is dedicated to "faithful" re-recordings, meaning treatments approaching near-replications of the originals, of some classic 1960s psychedelic-era songs, while side two comprises original material.

Rundgren explained the motivation of the first side as treating rock music like European classical music, where a piece is performed over and over again in essentially the same way. Critics generally hailed the latter half of the album as a comeback for Rundgren as a pop songwriter.

Track listing:

Side one

1. "Happenings Ten Years Time Ago" (Beck/McCarty/Page/Relf)
2. "Good Vibrations" (Love/Wilson)
3. "Rain" (Lennon/McCartney)
4. "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)" (Dylan)
5. "If 6 Was 9" (Hendrix)
6. "Strawberry Fields Forever" (Lennon/McCartney)

Side two

1. "Black and White" (Rundgren)
2. "Love of the Common Man" (Rundgren)
3. "When I Pray" (Rundgren)
4. "Cliché" (Rundgren)
5. "The Verb "To Love"" (Rundgren)
6. "Boogies (Hamburger Hell)" (Rundgren)
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Todd Rundgren
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