Nick Lowe - Dig my mood album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people -> redeyepics -> Nick Lowe - Dig my mood album cover

Nick Lowe - Dig my mood album cover
 Dig My Mood is an album by British singer-songwriter Nick Lowe. Produced by Lowe and Neil Brockbank, it was released in 1998 by Upstart Records.

Track listing:

1. "Faithless Lover"
2. "Lonesome Reverie"
3. "You Inspire Me"
4. "What Lack of Love Has Done"
5. "Time I Took a Holiday"
6. "Failed Christian"
7. "Man That I've Become"
8. "Freezing"
9. "High on a Hilltop"
10. "Lead Me Not"
11. "I Must Be Getting Over You"
12. "Cold Grey Light of Dawn"
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Nick Lowe
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