Nick Lowe - party of one album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people -> redeyepics -> Nick Lowe - party of one album cover

Nick Lowe - party of one album cover
 Party of One is an album by British singer-songwriter Nick Lowe. Produced by Dave Edmunds, it was released in 1990 by Reprise Records, and reissued with two bonus tracks in 1995 by Upstart Records.

Track listing:

1. You Got the Look I Like
2. (I Want to Build a) Jumbo Ark
3. Gai-Gin Man
4. Who Was That Man?
5. What's Shakin' on the Hill
6. Shting-Shtang
7. All Men Are Liars
8. Rocky Road
9. Refrigerator White
10. I Don't Know Why You Keep Me On
11. Honey Gun
12. You Stabbed Me in the Front*
13. Rocket Coast*

*Bonus track
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