Nick Lowe - Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit album cover - picture uploaded by redeyepics to people -> redeyepics -> Nick Lowe - Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit album cover

Nick Lowe - Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit album cover
 Nick Lowe & His Cowboy Outfit is an album by British singer-songwriter Nick Lowe. Produced by Lowe with Colin Fairley and Paul Bass, it was released in 1984 by Demon Records.

Track listing:

1. "Half A Boy And Half A Man"
2. "You'll Never Get Me Up In One Of Those"
3. "Maureen"
4. "God's Gift To Women"
5. "The Gee And The Rick And The Three Card Trick"
6. "(Hey Big Mouth) Stand Up And Say That"
7. "Awesome"
8. "Breakaway"
9. "Love Like A Glove"
10. "Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young"
11. "L.A.F.S."
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Nick Lowe - Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit album cover
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