Megadeth - Unplugged In Boston Back album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people -> zazen -> Megadeth - Unplugged In Boston Back album cover

Megadeth - Unplugged In Boston Back album cover
 Unplugged In Boston is an acoustic album by heavy metal band Megadeth that was released as part of the Megafanclub package for 2006. The CD is only available through the fanclub at this time, similar to the previous years Unplugged in Philly disc. The album was recorded live by WAAF 107.3 FM at Bill's Bar in Boston, MA on the Twnah Acoustic Tour May 19, 2001.

Track listing:

1. "Dread and the Fugitive Mind"
2. "Trust"
3. "Time: The Beginning"
4. "Use The Man"
5. "Punishment Due"
6. "Almost Honest"
7. "Promises"
8. "She-Wolf"
9. "Moto Psycho"
10. "Symphony of Destruction"
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Megadeth - Unplugged In Boston Back album cover
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