Hall Oates - The atlantic collection album cover - picture uploaded by sotrah to people

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Hall Oates - The atlantic collection album cover
 The Atlantic Collection is a 1996 compilation album by Hall & Oates. No Goodbyes was a previous collection of Hall & Oates Atlantic Records recodings, but this one gives a more complete picture of that phase of Hall & Oates' history. This album contains the previously unreleased (but often bootlegged) track "Past Times Behind." It also has two rare songs "It's Uncanny" and "I Want to Know You for a Long Time," that were only released on the No Goodbyes album.

Track listing:

1. "Goodnight and Goodmorning" Hall, Oates (3:18)
2. "I'm Sorry" (Hall, Oates) (3:06)
3. "Fall in Philadelphia" (Hall) (4:00)
4. "Waterwheel" (Hall) (3:55)
5. "Lilly (Are You Happy)" (Hall, Oates) (4:12)
6. "Past Times Behind" (Oates) (3:07) (Previously unreleased)
7. "When the Morning Comes" (Hall) (3:13)
8. "Had I Known You Better Then" (Oates) (3:25)
9. "Las Vegas Turnaround (The Stewardess Song)" (Oates) (2:58)
10. "She's Gone" (Hall, Oates) (5:16)
11. "I'm Just a Kid (Don't Make Me Feel Like a Man)" (Oates) (3:19)
12. "Abandoned Luncheonette" (Hall) (3:56)
13. "Lady Rain" (Hall, Oates) (4:26)
14. "Laughing Boy" (Hall) (3:30)
15. "It's Uncanny" (Hall) (3:43)
16. "I Want to Know You for a Long Time" (Hall) (3:20)
17. "Can't Stop the Music (He Played It Much Too Long)" (Oates) (2:48)
18. "Is It a Star" (Hall, Oates) (4:47)
19. "Beanie G and the Rose Tattoo" (Hall) (3:02)
20. "You're Much Too Soon" (Hall) (4:09)
21. "70's Scenario" (Hall) (4:02)
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This picture is part of the albums:
Hall & Oates
Hall Oates - The Essential album coverHall Oates - Behind the Music album coverHall Oates - The atlantic collection album coverHall Oates - Daryl Hall and John Oates album coverHall Oates - Along The Red Ledge album cover
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