Heat - Alive in seattle album cover - picture uploaded by jheart to people

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Heat - Alive in seattle album cover
 Alive in Seattle is an album released in 2003 by Heart. It is a double-CD package of their greatest hits recorded live in concert.

Track listing:

Disc one

1. "Crazy On You"
2. "Sister Wild Rose"
3. "The Witch"
4. "Straight On"
5. "These Dreams"
6. "Mistral Wind"
7. "Alone"
8. "Dog & Butterfly"
9. "Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters"
10. "The Battle Of Evermore"

Disc two

1. "Heaven"
2. "Magic Man"
3. "Two Faces Of Eve"
4. "Love Alive"
5. "Break The Rock"
6. "Barracuda"
7. "Wild Child"
8. "Black Dog"
9. "Dreamboat Annie" (Reprise)
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