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Moody Blues - Seventh sojourn album cover
 Seventh Sojourn, released in 1972, was the eighth album released by The Moody Blues.

In Seventh Sojourn, The Moody Blues replaced the Mellotron with a keyboard called the Chamberlin, a device similar to the Mellotron created by the original inventor of the device, Harry Chamberlin. It could simulate orchestral sounds more realistically and easily than the Mellotron.

Two hit singles came from this album: "Isn't Life Strange" and "I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)." However, both songs were overshadowed in the United States by "Nights in White Satin," which had its first single release in the U.S. in 1968. Whereas both singles from Seventh Sojourn merely made the top 40, "Nights" hit number two, which was the highest chart position for a Moody Blues single.

On this album, the band made two strong political references. "Lost In A Lost World" alluded to the brutality of revolution ("Revolution never won/It's just another form of gun") and racial tension ("In their eyes it's nation, against nation, against nation/With racial pride"). "You And Me," like "Question" from two years earlier, alludes to the Vietnam War: "There's a leafless tree in Asia."

As this album proved hard to record, the group decided to go on hiatus for five years starting in 1973 before reuniting for Octave in 1978 and its subsequent tour (without Mike Pinder).

Seventh Sojourn was remastered in 1997 and rerelased along with the other six albums the Moody Blues recorded from 1967 to 1972. In 2007 the album was remastered into SACD format and repackaged with four extra tracks.

Track listing:

1. "Lost in a Lost World" (Mike Pinder) – 4:42
2. "New Horizons" (Justin Hayward) – 5:11
3. "For My Lady" (Ray Thomas) – 3:58
4. "Isn't Life Strange" (John Lodge) – 6:09
5. "You and Me" (Hayward/Graeme Edge) – 4:21
6. "The Land of Make-Believe" (Hayward) – 4:52
7. "When You're a Free Man" (Pinder) – 6:06
8. "I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock & Roll Band)" (Lodge) – 4:18
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Moody Blues - Seventh sojourn album cover
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The Moody Blues
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