Melsenile - Never breathe what you can t see album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people -> xTrinity -> Melsenile - Never breathe what you can t see album cover

Melsenile - Never breathe what you can t see album cover
 Never Breathe What You Can't See is an album by Jello Biafra and The Melvins. It was released in 2004 through Alternative Tentacles (Virus 300). The liner notes claim that Mohamed Atta and John Ashcroft helped Biafra with the lyrics of "Caped Crusader" (in truth, some lines are lifted from each), and invite the listener to "spot the difference." Plethysmograph, which deals with the government tool which measures arousal in sex offenders in regards to different stimuli, features the lyric "If Stuart could talk what would he say?", which is the chorus of The Dickies song If Stuart Could Talk, which is also about the singer's penis.

Track listing

1. "Plethysmograph" (Words & Music: Biafra) – 4:49
2. "McGruff The Crime Dog" (Words: Biafra, Music: Osborne) – 4:18
3. "Yuppie Cadillac" (Words & Music: Biafra) – 4:31
4. "Islamic Bomb" (Words & Music: Biafra) – 6:19
5. "The Lighter Side Of Global Terrorism" (Words: Biafra, Music: Osborne) – 4:35
6. "Caped Crusader" (Words: Biafra, Music: Biafra/Osborne) – 6:08
7. "Enchanted Thoughtfist" (Words: Biafra, Music: Osborne) – 4:18
8. "Dawn Of The Locusts" (Words: Biafra, Music: Osborne) – 5:12
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