Bowling For Soup - Cell Mates album cover - picture uploaded by sotrah to people -> sotrah -> Bowling For Soup - Cell Mates album cover

Bowling For Soup - Cell Mates album cover
 Cell Mates, released in February 1996, was the second album released by the band Bowling for Soup on their own Queso Records. It was a joint record with fellow Denton-based artists The V.I.M.s. Although Cell Mates was poorly received by Bowling for Soup's existing fan base, Cell Mates set the stage for their hugely successful full length album, Rock on Honorable Ones!!!, released the following year.

Track listing

Tracks 1-4 and 8-9 are by The V.I.M.s. Tracks 5-7 and 10-11 are by Bowling for Soup

1. "King Bong"
2. "I Hate McDonald's"
3. "I Don't Know"
4. "Navy Sex Offender"
5. "Cody" - 4:20
6. "Kool-Aid" - 3:40
7. "Assman" - 3:54
8. "Just A Girl"
9. "Nathanial"
10. "Suspicious Minds" - 2:24
11. "Wisk" - 3:21
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Bowling For Soup
Bowling For Soup : Bowling-For-Soup-jv05Bowling For Soup : Bowling-For-Soup-sb05Bowling For Soup : Bowling-For-Soup-jv03Bowling For Soup - Cell Mates album coverBowling For Soup - Bowling For Soup album cover
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