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pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage 2
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Wael Kfoury on stage 2
Category: people
File Size: 86559 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with Nassif Zeitoun on stage with runner up Mohamad Ramadan and Rahma Sibahi
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with Nassif Zeitoun on stage with runner up Mohamad Ramadan and Rahma Sibahi
Category: people
File Size: 61481 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with manager of the academy Madame Rola Saed sitting at the panel of judges and watching the students 2
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale with manager of the academy Madame Rola Saed sitting at the panel of judges and watching the students 2
Category: people
File Size: 61474 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale while Hilda Khalife the show presenter on stage dancing with the dancers 2
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale while Hilda Khalife the show presenter on stage dancing with the dancers 2
Category: people
File Size: 158280 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Elissa on stage 7
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale during the performance of singer Elissa on stage 7
Category: people
File Size: 57385 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale while Nassif Zeitoun od Syria is announced as the winner 3
Name: pictrure of the Star Academy 7 prime 16th finale while Nassif Zeitoun od Syria is announced as the winner 3
Category: people
File Size: 190833 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:43:39
Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 1
Name: Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 1
Category: people
File Size: 90004 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:25:35
Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 5
Name: Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 5
Category: people
File Size: 68776 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:25:35
Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 6
Name: Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 6
Category: people
File Size: 79526 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:25:34
Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 4
Name: Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton seen arriving together to the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th 2010 at Universal Studios in California 4
Category: people
File Size: 86467 bytes
Upload date: 2010-06-07 12:25:34


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